Pediatric Dentistry

With two different sets of teeth to worry about, children's dental needs are different than those of an adult. For this reason, pediatric dentistry exists. The parents of infants deal with teething, the threat of baby bottle tooth decay and, later, potential thumb-sucking and pacifier dependency issues that can threaten oral health. Older children, meanwhile, have to deal with losing baby teeth and preparing their mouths for possible orthodontic work later on. And of course, all children should be learning preventative dental care—techniques such as daily brushing and flossing to prevent dental problems. Pediatric dentistry deals with all of these issues. Practitioners in this field, called pediatric dentists, undergo an extra three years of training to learn about children's growth, development and psychology. They also take behaviour management classes, where they learn to deal with nervous or hard-to-handle young patients.

Pediatric dentistry includes:

Preventative care. This is the most important part of dental care. A pediatric dentist can ensure the child learns to brush and floss properly, greatly reducing the risk of dental problems throughout his or her lifetime. The dentist can also ensure the child and its parent understand how decay occurs, and how proper eating and hygiene habits can help prevent it. As the child grows older, the pediatric dentist keeps an eye out for future tooth alignment or bite problems, and suggests preventative measures to reduce more extensive and expensive orthodontic treatment later on.

Teething. As the baby teeth emerge between the ages of six months to three years, the baby can experience sore gums and other forms of discomfort. A pediatric dentist can advise the parent on how to handle and reduce the discomfort. He or she can also counsel the parent on proper cleaning techniques once the teeth erupt.

Baby bottle tooth decay. Often, well-meaning parents "treat" their babies to a bottle of juice or milk at bedtime. The sugars in these liquids gather around the infant's teeth and gums, feeding the bacteria that cause plaque. Prolonged and frequent exposure to these sugars can cause the baby's teeth to decay. Early decay can lead to a need for early extraction. To avoid this situation, bottles should be filled with water only. Ideally, bottles should not be given at nighttime and babies should be weaned off the bottle between the ages of twelve and fourteen months. A pediatric dentist can advise parents on how to prevent and treat baby bottle tooth decay.

Thumb-sucking. This is a normal activity for infants and very young children that usually stops between the ages of two to four. However, if it continues even after the permanent teeth have begun to emerge, bite problems can occur. The upper teeth can lean towards the lip, or not come in properly. In these cases, pediatric dentists can recommend a mouth appliance to block the habit.

Interceptive orthodontic treatment. Bite and alignment problems can be most easily corrected while the jaw is still growing. The pediatric dentist can suggest appliances to stretch and shape a child's jaw and mouth to prepare for future orthodontic treatment once the permanent teeth have come in.

How can I care for my child’s teeth? 

When should I start caring for my child’s teeth? 

As soon as your baby’s teeth appear, you should clean them with a wet piece of gauze or damp washcloth after feedings. When the rest of the teeth have come in, brush them gently with an extra soft, baby tooth brush like My First Colgate toothbrush. It helps to have your child lay his head in your lap so you can see the teeth better when your brush.

Remember that the teeth of babies, who sleep with a bottle of milk, formula or fruit juice in their mouth can suffer from decay known as Milk Bottle Tooth Decay. So the bottle should be removed as soon as the feed is over and do not use the bottle as a pacifier.

Why are milk teeth so important?

Even though primary (milk) teeth eventually fall out, they do serve a very important function. Besides helping in chewing, speech and good looks. Milk teeth reserve space for permanent teeth, so if a tooth is lost too early, new teeth could grow in crooked. If the milk teeth are well looked after, then it is more likely that the permanent teeth will grow in their correct position.

There are many ways to help prevent early decay, beginning with regular checkups. But if a cavity does develop in a milk tooth, be sure to have it filled. And if your child accidentally knocks a tooth out, place it in cool milk or the baby’s saliva or water and get to the dentist within half an hour so it can be replanted in your child’s mouth. This should be followed even for permanent teeth.

When should I make my child’s first dental appointment?

When your child is about a year old, it’s time he or she sees a dentist. Early visits can prevent minor problems from becoming major ones, and even though you are checking your child’s teeth, you may not recognize a problem. Don’t wait until there is a decayed or injured tooth to introduce your child to a dentist; make the first visit a positive one.


  • Familiarize your child with the dentist and dental office by taking him or her along with you; letting your dentist know in advance allows time for them to get acquainted.
  • Your child may enjoy a “ride” in the dental chair; perhaps your dentist will use the dental mirror to show your child his or her teeth
  • Be low key about the visit; your child has no reason to be afraid unless it’s suggested.
  • Take cues from the dentist who’s experienced at dealing with children, and don’t expect perfect behaviour from your child. 

How can I teach my child proper dental care? 
Imitation is the best way to teach your child how to brush and floss. Children as young as 2 or 3 can learn to brush by watching you, although you should follow up with a thorough brushing of their teeth. 

Get the children into the habit of brushing at least twice a day with a good toothpaste and toothbrush which gives maximum benefit to children. Parental supervision is however essential upto age 6 to prevent/minimise swallowing of toothpaste & teach the correct technique of brushing. Ensure that children rinse & spit after brushing. Parents should also floss their toddlers teeth. By the age of 10, children should be able to floss by themselves. Most of all, sure to praise your child for clean teeth, a nice smile and good oral health habits?
How can we help avoid cavities?
Out of all age groups, children are most susceptible o cavities. It’s critical that they brush twice a day and floss daily to remove plaque, the colourless film of bacteria that forms on teeth and leads to tooth decay and gum disease.

A well balanced & nutritious diet promotes good oral health. However try and reduce ‘between-meal’ snacks specially of foods which contain sugar or carbohydrates in order to inhibit acid formation in the mouth. Do not get into the habit of giving your child a sweet to stop a tantrum or as a reward.

And remember, regular dental checkups are the key to healthy oral development.
  • Thumbsucking is a natural occurrence for many babies and new-borns and they derive satisfaction from it. During the first year of life, thumbsucking should not be discouraged. 
  • If thumbsucking continues beyond four to five years of age, consult your dentist. If the habit is allowed to continue, it can lead to crooked teeth (Malocclusion). 
Children need healthy teeth for chewing speaking clearly and looking good. With the advancements in dentistry and oral care products, today’s generation has a better chance than ever to grow up with strong, cavity free teeth.

Parents, too, play an important role in a child’s dental development, because better oral health for your child begins with you.


1. Hold the toothbrush just under the gum line at an angle of 45° Gently jiggle the brush or move in tiny circles over the teeth and gum.  Repeat for each tooth.
2. Use tip of toothbrush to brush behind each front tooth, both top and bottom. 
3. Brush the insides of each tooth using the same jiggling action in step I. 
        4. For the chewing surfaces, use a light back and forth motion. 
5. Floss your toddler’s teeth regularly.  Floss is wrapped round the middle fingers and then gently eased between the teeth with the aid of the forefinger and thumb.  By the age of ten children can begin flossing by themselves. 
Finally, massage your gums with your fingers after brushing and gently brush your tongue too.  Do not use metal tongue cleaners. 
Brought to you by Colgate under its “Young India” Dental Health programme in the interest of patent education and better dental health. 

Children Dentistry - Let Them Grow Without Fear Of Dentistry!!

dental art Chennai border right

Pedodontic Dentistry is a branch of dentistry which gives specialized dental care for
children under the age of sixteen. First dent chennai dentists teaching the children about the oral care and dentist treatment to prevent tooth decay (known as preventive dentistry) is also included in Pedodontics.

It  Includes:

Dentist Chennai Bullet2
Behavior management and dental education
Dentist Chennai Bullet2
Monitoring eruption and shedding  of teeth
Dentist Chennai Bullet2
Routine dental check-up
Dentist Chennai Bullet2
Diet consultation
Dentist Chennai Bullet2
Fluoride application of teeth
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Tooth cleaning & polishing
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Restorations and tooth-colour filling of deciduous teeth
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Pit and fissure sealants for the permanent teeth
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Space maintainer, space regainer
Dentist Chennai Bullet2Root canal treatment and stainless steel crown of the deciduous teeth
Dentist Chennai Bullet2
For unco-operative children/children with behavioural difficulties & kids below 5years of age, the dental treatment can be done with "Sedation Dentistry".


Dentistry for Children

Paediatric dentistry is a very gentle method of dental treatment of children which aims to make a visit to the dentist a more comfortable experience for your children. We have purpose built area specifically designed to make your children feel relaxed and at ease. The Children's Dental Centre is dedicated to encouraging as many children as we can reach, to adopt good habits in dental hygiene.

To this end, we offer reduced fee dental services to underprivileged children. Although the centre would like to offer its services as broadly as possible, it is necessary to establish eligibility guidelines pertaining to prospective patients.

Children's Teeth

Children's teeth begin forming before they are even born. The first primary, or baby teeth, to erupt through the gums are the lower central incisors. These are followed closely by the upper central incisors which come through around four months after birth. Although all twenty primary teeth have usually appeared by the time the child reaches three years old, the pace and order of eruption varies from child to child.

Smiling Children with White Teeth
Oral care should begin soon after birth. Gums should be cleaned after each feeding. You should begin brushing your child's teeth as soon as they appear.

Pit and Fissure Sealings for Teeth of Children

At the age of six years, permanent molar erupts in children. The deep grooves are prone to caries. In case of children, this grooves can be sealed in order to prevent decay. This is called pit and fissure sealings treatment for children.

Dental Care for Children

You should always clean your infant's gums after feeding. Gums should be wiped with a clean, damp cloth or gauze pad. Parents should brush children's teeth daily with a soft wet toothbrush and a pea sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. When children are very young it is necessary to supervise their brushing to ensure proper brushing habits are adopted. Your dentist will probably recommend regular fluoride treatments which will strengthen enamel and help your child’s teeth resist decay. To prevent your child suffering from nursing bottle mouth, you must give your baby a bottle at nap or bed time. Fill the bottle with plain water and not milk, formula or juice.


Is Root Canal Treatment of Milk Tooth necessary?

There was a time when countless milk teeth were extracted stating that they are just "temporary tooth" or "milk teeth know ,anyhow it is going to fall" and for so many other reasons. But the milk teeth are there for a specific purpose. Each and every milk teeth has to stay for a particular period of time. The change in dietary habits have resulted in a lot of milk teeth getting decayed at an earlier stage than before. These milk teeth have to be preserved whenever possible. They are the natural SPACE MAINTAINERS which are there to preserve the space for permanent teeth. Whenever a milk tooth is decayed badly, where a normal filling cannot be placed root canal treatment has to be considered before removal of tooth is considered.

How many sittings it will require to perform root canal treatment for a milk tooth?

It can be performed in single as well as multiple sittings. The pediatric dentist will decide the best method depending upon the situation.

Is the procedure painful?

No, it is not painful. If necessary the pediatric dentist can anesthetize the tooth and carry out the procedure.

After root canal treatment will the milk tooth will fall on its own?

Yes, after root canal treatment the tooth is almost like a natural tooth. It will fall on its own.

After root canal treatment is follow up necessary?

Yes, after root canal treatment the tooth has to be monitored atleast once in every six months.

Is there any way to prevent this?

Yes, and the only way is to detect tooth decay early and treat it. If we detect tooth decay early we can save the tooth by a normal filling. It is better not to wait until pain develops, because once pain develops then preserving the tooth needs extensive treatment like root canal treatment. Hence it is always better to start the FIRST DENTAL VISIT when the first milk tooth erupts into the mouth (between 8-12 months of age). If the first dental visit has taken place at this stage one can completely prevent tooth decay if the parents strictly follow the pediatric dentists instructions.

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